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Financial support

Support for teacher mobility: workshops

Provided that your mobility request has been approved by your school’s principal and the inspector of your discipline / curriculum officers, you may be able to benefit from financial support with ELAN. This support covers almost all teaching expenses, accommodation, transport to and from the training center and the airport and your travel expenses to and from the target destination in order to participate in the linguistic, pedagogical and cultural workshops.

Support for teacher mobility: research

Within the framework of research mobility, teachers / researchers can benefit from financial support with ELAN. This support covers almost all accommodation and travel expenses to and from the target destination.

Collective support

Partnership projects between institutions, particularly the hosting of partner classes in Martinique, can benefit from financial support with ELAN.

The institutions will be able to benefit from assistance of up to 3000 € per year in order to host a partner class. They may apply to host a class by responding to the call for projects launched by the Académie de Martinique in March and September.

For more information on the financial support offered to teachers/researchers contact and

Contact us


ELAN project coordinator,
Chargée de mission at the DAREIC
Académie de Martinique

Rectorat de Terreville – Hauts de Terreville
97233 SCHOELCHER – Martinique

+596 596 52 25 11
+596 696 03 86 62


Project Manager
« Communication and Higher Education »,
GIP-FCIP of the Académie de Martinique