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The launching ceremony of the ELAN project took place on Thursday 11th April, 2019 at the Hotel La Bâtelière in Schoelcher. It was preceded by the first meeting of the Steering Committee on 10th April, 2019 at the Lycée Polyvalent Nord Caraïbe in Bellefontaine.

The ELAN project (Echanges Linguistiques et Apprentissage Novateur par la Mobilité – Linguistic Exchanges and Innovative Learning through Mobility), co-financed by Interreg Caraïbes through the European Regional Development Fund and the European Development Fund, seeks to improve the command of foreign languages, facilitate access to higher education, and encourage student mobility, training, and school exchange programs within the region.

The objective is to reinforce youth skills for ease of access to the labour market, and to improve competitiveness among companies; improve the attractiveness of territories and finally, promote a shared Caribbean identity as the basis for an efficient and sustainable regional integration.

Opening remarks by Mr. Pascal JAN, Rector of the Academy of Martinique at the launching ceremony of the ELAN project.

Presentation of the ELAN project by Mrs. Ghislaine MOETUS-SCHÜLLER, ELAN Project Coordinator at the first joint meeting of the Steering Committee.

The project was initiated by the Academy of Martinique through the GIP-FCIP and implemented by a consortium composed of The Collectivité territoriale de Martinique (CTM), The Organisation of Eastern Caribbean States (O.E.C.S.), Campus France, The Alliances françaises of the lesser Antilles, The University of the West Indies, The Université Quisqueya of Haiti, The Université d’Etat d’Haïti and The Université des Antilles.

The first joint meeting of the ELAN Steering Committee at the Lycée Nord-Caraïbe in Bellefontaine.

The ELAN Project Steering Committee

The representatives of the partner institutions to the project at the launching ceremony.